• Question: what was your latest experierment

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      Asked by lucy to Cat?, Elaine, Helena, Iain, Gabriel on 7 Mar 2016.
      • Photo: Helena Quilter

        Helena Quilter answered on 7 Mar 2016:

        Today I did an experiment where I had to separate out the chemical I was making from at the rest of the stuff in my flask. I needed to make it super pure! I did this by heating up my chemical in a liquid until it all dissolved then let it cool down again. It was really cool because lots of crystals of my chemical started growing in the flask as it cooled down but all the stuff I didn’t want stayed in the liquid. Tomorrow I can separate out my crystals and make sure they’re what they’re supposed to be 🙂

      • Photo: Iain McLellan

        Iain McLellan answered on 8 Mar 2016:

        The experiment I did last week was looking at how I can clean a material that is covered manganese from water. I had to come up with different cleaning liquids to see which one worked the best – keep your fingers crossed that I find the right one!

      • Photo: Cat Scott ?

        Cat Scott ? answered on 13 Mar 2016:

        My latest experiment was on the computer ? where I made a simulation of what would happen if there were no forests left in the world ? I can then use computer codes to work out how things in the atmosphere change. â›… Don’t worry – this is not something that we think is likely to happen, but we test these things on the computer so that we can learn how important different things are on the planet. ?
