• Question: what is the strangest substance you have used

    Asked by nathan to Cat?, Elaine, Helena, Iain, Gabriel on 14 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Helena Quilter

      Helena Quilter answered on 14 Mar 2016:

      Great question, Nathan!

      I think the strangest substance I’ve used is liquid nitrogen! Nitrogen is normally a gas but when it’s cooled down it turns into a liquid. Liquid nitrogen is one of the coldest substances on the planet – it’s about -196 degrees Celsius! It can freeze things instantly! I have to wear special gloves and safety glasses when I use it so I don’t freeze my hands.

      I use it everyday to cool my reactions down quickly. Sometimes I heat up my chemicals and if I don’t cool them down with liquid nitrogen they can go into the atmosphere and I could have to start again. There’s a picture of me pouring it into a flask on my profile – you can see the nitrogen gas coming off as it warms up!

      We used liquid nitrogen to make ice cream once. It was delicious! I think because it cools down so quickly the ice cream is super smooth and tastier than normal, yum!

    • Photo: Iain McLellan

      Iain McLellan answered on 17 Mar 2016:

      I haven’t used any strange substances I’m afraid. I like Helena’s suggestion of using liquid nitrogen to make ice cream though!
