• Question: If you had a million pounds what would you do with it in science

    Asked by Lydia King to Cat?, Elaine, Helena, Iain, Gabriel on 15 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Cat Scott ?

      Cat Scott ? answered on 15 Mar 2016:

      Ooh that’s a tricky question! I think I would spend the money on protecting some parts of forests that are in danger of being cut down ? ? ? Sometimes the forests can get destroyed so that you end up with little patches of forest remaining – this is bad because animals need to be able to roam freely between the patches of forest so they can meet each other. I’d use the money to help protect some “forest corridors” in between important patches of forest so that the animals can move around ? ?

    • Photo: Helena Quilter

      Helena Quilter answered on 16 Mar 2016:

      Hi Lydia!

      I think if I had a million pounds I would like to donate it to a university to do important research into what we can do to help the planet. I think I would like to use it to research how we can make products like plastics, fuels and even some medicines from plant waste! That would be a really useful thing for the planet! It costs a lot of money to do research on science. Did you know it costs billions of pounds to send a rocket into space? ?

      I would also love to use some of the money to run a science festival for local primary schools so sientists can talk about their work and children get the chance to meet scientists and do some really fun experiments of their own!

    • Photo: Iain McLellan

      Iain McLellan answered on 17 Mar 2016:

      Hi Lydia,

      I would do a mixture of what Cat and Helena would do. I would donate the money to a univeristy or research institution to look at ways in which we can stop polluting forests to help protect them. I would do that because the forests I have looked at are home to endangered species who only live there and because forests are good at taking CO2 out the atmosphere.
