• Question: If the ice caps melt, can we expect major flooding?

    Asked by BRAINBOY34 to Cat?, Elaine, Helena, Iain, Gabriel on 9 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Cat Scott ?

      Cat Scott ? answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      Yes if all the ice in the world melted, we would expect the sea level to rise by about 50 metres (that’s a lot!). However, we certainly do not expect it all to melt.

      If the Greenland Ice Sheet completely melted (the climate would still have to warm quite a lot more for this to happen), we would expect the sea-level to rise by about 7 m – this would be very bad for towns and cities on the coasts of countries, and any places built around rivers.

    • Photo: Helena Quilter

      Helena Quilter answered on 17 Mar 2016:

      Hi there! We would expect there to be major flooding if all the ice caps melted, which is a really scary thought!

      Luckily there are lots of scientists like us trying to stop that happening and lots of countries have agreed to try and stop climate change from getting any worse to stop things like the ice caps all melting!
