• Question: Do any of you know what nuclear power is???

    Asked by Blastoff to Cat?, Helena, Gabriel on 17 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Cat Scott ?

      Cat Scott ? answered on 17 Mar 2016:

      Hey Nanma,

      Yeah nuclear power is based on a similar (but actually opposite) to a process that happens in the Sun (so that’s how powerful it is!). The energy produced in nuclear power comes from “nuclear fission” which is where radioactive atoms are broken down. This is normally Uranium which as atoms go, is pretty big, its atomic weight is over 200 (compared to carbon which is just 12, or oxygen which is 16). This process releases huuuuuge amounts of energy ?

      In the Sun, it’s the other way around, “nuclear fusion” is where small atoms (hydrogen) join together to make larger ones (helium), which also releases a lot of energy!

    • Photo: Helena Quilter

      Helena Quilter answered on 17 Mar 2016:

      Hey Namna!

      Like Cat said – in a nuclear plant we split up atoms of a very heavy, radioactive element: uranium. That gives out a lot of energy as heat! That heat can be used to heat water and turn it into steam. That steam then is used to drive turbines which are attached to generators – they can produce electricity!

      In a nuclear plant there is always nuclear waste which must be disposed of safely. Some of it is buried deep underground – away from people!
