• Question: because of climate change are el ninos increased in strength and size and will there be more of them

    Asked by mOOn to Cat?, Helena, Gabriel on 17 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Cat Scott ?

      Cat Scott ? answered on 17 Mar 2016:

      Hi mOOn,

      Great question! It’s difficult to predict but yes, scientists think that climate change will make El Ninos more intense, so there may be the same total number of El Ninos but their effects will be more extreme, e.g. more rainfall / flooding in Peru, Ecuador and Chile. ☔ ☔ ☔

    • Photo: Helena Quilter

      Helena Quilter answered on 18 Mar 2016:

      Hey mOOn! Some scientists believe that there are links between climate change and more frequent, extreme El Niño events – although the actual El Niño itself won’t happen more often. That could mean worse storms and flooding. Some people think the effects of climate change on El Niño will be worse to begin with but it will get steady after a while. It’s really hard to predict though so hard to say!
