• Question: what kind of rock is in a volcano

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      Asked by Lydia King to Iain, Helena, Gabriel, Elaine, Cat? on 18 Mar 2016.
      • Photo: Cat Scott ?

        Cat Scott ? answered on 18 Mar 2016:

        Hey Lydia!

        Well, there are lots of different kinds of volcano which are all a bit different. ? But the main type that might have heard about are where you see the orange lava spewing out of the top – and when that lava cools down it forms rocks called “igneous rocks” so the lava actually becomes a type of rock! ?

      • Photo: Helena Quilter

        Helena Quilter answered on 18 Mar 2016:

        Hi Lydia! There are lots of types of rocks in volcanoes. We call rocks that come from volcanoes igneous rocks, The lava from volcanoes is actually made from melted rock! When lava cools down it goes hard and forms rocks! Depending on how it cools down different types of rocks can form!

        One that I think is really cool is called obsidian. Obsidian is usually shiny and black and looks a bit like glass. It forms when the lave cools down really quickly.

        Another volcanic rock is called pumice. Pumice is a rock formed from frothy lava. It has lots of air holes in it, which can be due the presence of water in the lava! It looks like this:

        A third rock we get from volcanoes is called basalt. That’s a very hard rock which forms when lava cools very slowly and doesn’t have any air bubbles in it. It’s one of the hardest rocks in the world! They can form interesting rock patterns. Have you heard of Giant’s Causeway? It’s in Ireland and is made from basalt from volcanoes a long time ago. Here’s a picture:

        There are lots of other types too!
