• Question: how does cutting down trees effect our lifes

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      Asked by 956cmte35 to Helena, Cat? on 17 Mar 2016.
      • Photo: Helena Quilter

        Helena Quilter answered on 17 Mar 2016:

        Hey there! It’s really important that we don’t cut down too many trees because we need them to produce oxygen for us to breathe! Trees take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and make it into oxygen by a process called photosynthesis – that’s how plants make their food.

        Trees are also very important habitats for lots of animals. If we cut down lots of trees then some animals will have nowhere to live!

        I’m trying to make plastics from pine tree waste but I don’t want to cut down trees just to do that – I want to use the waste from trees that are being used to make paper or wooden products!

      • Photo: Cat Scott ?

        Cat Scott ? answered on 18 Mar 2016:

        Hey 956cmte35,

        Cutting down trees can affect our lives, and the planet, in many different ways.

        Trees and forests store loads of carbon ??? but lots of them get cut down so that people can turn the land into farmland. Often the trees get burned which means that all the carbon gets emitted into the atmosphere, adding to the carbon dioxide that is there and contributing to climate change.

        Trees are also important for controlling how much it rains ☔ ☔ and for controlling what happens when it rains too much. If there are more trees, the land absorbs more water and this can help prevent flooding ? ?

        Cutting down trees also means that animals have fewer places to live. When parts of forests get cut down, it often leaves little patches of isolated forest ? this means that animals (like tigers ?) can’t move around so easily and they are not able to find food or meet each other and have families!

        ? = ?
